eTwinning “We learn together, we grow together”

We Learn Together, We Grow Together

projekt kordinira : Marica Celjak

sudjeluju učenici sedmih razreda:šk.god. 2023/24

Trajanje :2023.-2024

Kultura ljudi je njihova prošlost. Za to djeca moraju dobro poznavati svoju prošlost i iz nje učiti.

Učenje kulturnim dobrima, hrani, pjesmama, poeziji i lokalnoj umjetnosti pružit će informacije o prošlosti. U tom procesu putem raznih aktivnosti ,a korištenjem istraživačke i iskustvene nastave, suradničkog učenja, korištenjem on line susreta, digitalnih alata… omogućit ćemo učenicima da uče o svojoj prošlosti i pomoći im da upoznaju svoju kulturu.

Neke od naših aktivnosti pogledajte na poveznicama:

Our countries


Our European dinner table

A dinner table for less privileged children


Our menu for the dinner table 


Our Christmas videos

Our ebook on cyber bullying

Our cultural heritage


Our travel guide

Uspješno smo projekt priveli kraju zahvaljujući učenicima koji su marljivo izvršavali zadatke, 23.8. 2024. stigla je i nagrada za njihov rad. Bravo za sve i one koji nisu navedeni na NQL-u, posebne pohvale Mariji i Vidu koji su sve zadatke savjesno odradili.

Congratulations! You have been awarded the eTwinning National Quality Label for your participation in the project “We Learn Together, We Grow Together”. Your National Support Organisation left the following note when reviewing your application:

The project was successfully implemented and included active participation of students, who collaborated in international teams and created products together. The students used the Twinspace and other collaboration and communication tools to connect and create their joint products. The activities were varied and age-appropriate. Different digital tools were purposefully used in the project. Evaluation activities are documented in the Twinpace. 

To generate and/or download the Quality Label certificate, please visit We Learn Together, We Grow Together and visit ‘My labels & awards’ section in the ‘About’ tab.

Kind regards,

The eTwinning team

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